Meet Melani Williams and Technical Services

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My name is Melani Williams and I am the Supervisor of the Technical Services Department. You may have seen me rambling on our weekly book recommendations on Facebook and Ann has asked (bullied) me into explaining a little bit about the work we do in ‘TS’, so here goes! 

Technical Services is the department responsible for:

  • Ordering and receiving all of the new materials (Express movies, ooh! Express books, ahh!)
  • Getting them ready to circulate (adding spine labels, stickers, and barcodes, etc.)
  • Taking them over to the Help Desk staff so they can get them out on the shelves for you

We are also responsible for the Interlibrary Loans service, our Book Club service, preparing all of the magazines and reference materials and looking after the databases. We also delete all of the old and yucky stuff and add any super nice donations to our collections. We also help out with displays and booklists and all kinds of other things that help promote our collections.

AND we also get to come up with ways to make all the non-book or oddly-shaped collections work so that everyone can find them and know what they are for (this is my favourite thing to do!). 

For example, for the last few weeks we have been trying to figure out what to do with our NEW binocular collection

And soon we’ll have a Wonderbook collection, which are picture books with a built-in audio player. Fun!

And while we are still waiting for movie production to pick up, we needed to find a way to provide more entertainment for our customers, so we also have a new Binge Box collection, which are sets of movies all based on a theme. But since that collection is still small, we are going to step up our grab bag collection and create some new themes like the Clint Squint, the Future is Wild, and Movies to Make you Ugly Cry, just to name a few.

So stay tuned and see you at the next Book Talk
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