• City Centre Branch Alert
    From Jan. 20-28, there may be an increase in traffic and noise at City Centre branch due to construction on Glen Drive. Plan your visit accordingly or for silent study space, visit Poirier branch. 

Pre-Employment Programs For Newcomers

Pre-Employment Skills

Pursuing one's dream job is interesting yet challenging. Many people have had their work hours cut or even have been laid off due to COVID-19 and the economic slowdown. The slowdown is especially intimidating for newcomers with limited local experience. To meet the community's needs, we are here to help you out during this challenging time.

This winter, in partnership with ISSofBC Job Quest, we are offering a series of workshops to support newcomers who are seeking employment or are entering the Canadian workforce. Topics are mainly focused on newcomers to Canada yet everyone is welcome to attend:

Understanding your Education and Training Options 
Tuesday, Feb. 9th, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

It is imperative to know what qualifications are most in demand by employers, and what options exist outside of traditional post-secondary institutions. Participants will learn about free or low-cost training options to upgrade skills and knowledge, as well as government-funded programs to help newcomers with credential evaluations and training loans. 

Self-Care and Mindfulness Practices to Manage Workplace and Life Stress 
Tuesday, Mar. 9th, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Use self-care and mindfulness to manage stress and build a healthier lifestyle. Mindfulness techniques involving stillness, action, creativity, spirituality and other methods will be discussed. 

Human Rights & Responding to Sexual Harassment in the Workplace 
Tuesday, Apr. 13th, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Learn about Human Rights Law including your rights as an employee and find out what sexual harassment in the workplace is and its various forms. Discover what to do when faced with harassment or unwanted attention of a sexual nature at work and learn to respond by using soft skills and assertive communication.

All sessions are free and everyone is welcome to join any or all of them. 

Don't forget to utilize Career Cruising, one of our digital resources, to assist you with researching careers and training options, matching your skills and finding job postings in the comfort of your home with your Coquitlam Public Library card.

For more information on these programs, please contact Shirley Chan.

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