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Meet Liana of Marketing & Communications

Social Media

Hello, my name is Liana and I am a Library Technician who works in the Marketing and Communications Department. I only just started working with the Marketing Team last Fall. Before this, I worked on the Help Desk and shelved books and had hoped to join the Marketing team someday. They always looked like they were having a great time taking funny photos for our social media accounts or collaborating on various projects that helped to promote our Library’s services, events and materials.

Though I do a lot of different things in a work day, a large part of my day is taken up with running our social media accounts, which usually means that I’m taking photos for our Instagram account, chasing after staff members for photo ops, and deciding which social media trends we’re going to participate in (#bookfacefriday is my favourite!).

We have loved embracing social media as a way of connecting with our community. It brings us so much joy when you tag us in your own posts or share your experiences with our Library in our comments or direct messages. We’re always interested in seeing which books you’re reading, which movies you’re watching, and all the creative things you do with our lendable tech.

Social media has also allowed us to share the many events and programs that we run with our community. It offers them an easy way to register and link them to our website, as well as a way to ask us questions about the programs themselves. It’s also a great way to share photos of the events that we run and create excitement for future programs.

If you want to see for yourself what we do on social media, or if you want to show us what your experience with the Library has been, you can follow, tag and tweet at us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter at @CoqLibrary. See you there!
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